Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Theatre in the round

I have been brainstorming and sketching some ideas for the display of my project. Although the entire project requires the display of 154 assemblages, my major project will only display my 9. I researched a bit into theatre styles, like proscenium, thrust and in the round. I have decided to work with the 'in the round' style of display for my project.

In the round is basically a platform in the centre of the audience, which  can be viewed from every angle. I feel this works for my project as it will allow for better vision, easy movement around pieces, it encourages interaction and it doesn't dictate a certain direction or progression for viewing the assemblages.

I also felt that the circular display worked well with many of the themes of the sonnets, like time, cycles, life. 

Below are 2 ideas for the visuals on the round display. I feel that a lightly textured or visual surface would enrich the viewing experience.

On the left are the plans for Shakespeare's Globe theatre in London, while on the right is a light textured pattern of text.

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